Friday, July 01, 2005

Pasha and Mr. Stegs

As promised, here are some pictures of Pasha and Mr. Stegs before they travel to their new owners this weekend.

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I'm off to the airport for my Fourth of July trip to see BF's family. I doubt I'll get much knitting done, but I'm taking the toe-up socks just in case. ;)


JD said...

Where oh where did your find that pattern? Stuffed knitted toys woule make great presents.

Anonymous said...

Oh they're so cute! (hugs stuffed animals) I see you've been knitting away. I'll be sending you 2nd package this weekend. It's more like packages 2 & 2.5 since I had planned a separate birthday package. BUT since I failed to get my rear in gear, they'll be coming together. In one. HUGE. package.



Erin said...

Those are so sweet... beautiful work!